Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad | RCT | Nagubandi Dental Hospitals

Call now at +91 7842695594,040-40213678 7842645533; Book an appointment with dental doctors at Nagubandi Dental Hospitals, the Best dental clinic near you in Hyderabad and Khammam. Relieve your tooth pain and save your smile with root canal treatment now! 

Get an estimate for your RCT cost in Hyderabad.

Millions of teeth are treated and protected against sensitivity and tooth decay each year with a root canal or endodontic treatment in Hyderabad at Nagubandi Dental Hospitals. Root canal treatment can help relieve your tooth pain and save your smile.

Nagubandi Dental Hospitals is one of the top multi-branch dental clinics in Hyderabad, with a multi-speciality dental care practice and in-patient facility. With more than 20 years in dental practice, Nagubandi Dental Hospital’s top dental doctors offer multiple dental treatment services with state-of-the-art dental care equipment a world-class dental laboratory and a dedicated team.

Get the best root canal treatment services in Hyderabad with Nagubandi Dental. Even though you brush and floss every day there is a possibility for dental problems. Teeth in the mouth are highly prone to damage by our food habits, lifestyle and other causes.

Call now at +91-7842695594,040-40213678 7842645533 consult the dentist now to get dental treatment and fix your toothache with the best root canal treatment in Hyderabad.

Reasons for Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment is usually recommended when the soft tissue inside the root canal becomes inflamed or infected. The following are several reasons that necessitate the root canal treatment:   

  • Deep decay
  • Repeated dental procedures on the tooth
  • Faulty crown
  • Crack or chip in the tooth 

What is Root Canal Treatment? 

Root canal treatment or endodontic therapy is a dental treatment procedure. In this procedure, infected teeth are removed from your mouth and stops any arising infections. It is carried out in the root canal, which is the pulp of the tooth.    

Symptoms of root canal problem

  • Severe tooth pain 
  • Sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures
  • Tooth becomes discoloured
  • Swollen, tender gums
  • A reoccurring pimple that forms on the gums
  • Pus drainage in your mouth
  • A tooth abscess

Root Canal Treatment will help you fix the following signs and symptoms, and teeth conditions:

RCT is advised for:

  • When you have deep cavities (decayed teeth)
  • When you have swelling in the jaw
  • When your tooth may be painful to chew on
  • When you have a throbbing pain in the tooth
  • When you have pain while eating hot and /or cold foods.
  • When you have teeth that are severely worn out
  • When you have Trauma (accident)

Nagubandi Dental Hospitals Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad

At Nagubandi Dental Hospitals Dental Hosp Hyderabad, the dental doctors provide the best root canal therapy in 3 steps. This dental treatment usually takes between one and three sessions to complete.

  1. Cleaning the root canal
  2. Filling the root canal
  3. Adding a crown or filling

Root Canal Therapy Procedure

During this procedure, the inflamed or infected pulp is removed from your tooth and cleaned carefully. It will be filled and sealed with a rubber-like material called gutta-percha. Then the tooth will be restored with a crown or filling for protection. It continues to function like any other tooth following the root canal therapy.  

Root canal treatment is a proven procedure to stop many kinds of tooth pain. It keeps your tooth from being lost due to decay or injury. There is a Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment available at our Best Dental Hospital in Hyderabad.  

Here is the regular treatment procedure for root canals at our Nagubandi Dental, Dental Hospital Hyderabad 

  • Taking an x-ray image to determine and understand the root canal structure, infection and surrounding bone condition.
  • Keeping you in a relaxed state or mode with or without using local anaesthesia (it helps in numbing the teeth surrounding area)
  • Placing a rubber sheet around the teeth to keep the treatment area dry and free from saliva in the mouth
  • Drilling into the teeth’s root canal then pulp that houses bacteria, decayed nerve tissue and food debris
  • Cleaning the pulp and surrounding area, either side parts of the root canal to ensure free from infection
  • Flushing away the debris and bacterial residues with clean water or sodium hypochlorite solutions
  • Sealing of the cleaned teeth or using the medications for the root canal infection treatment
  • Based on your choice the sealing of the cleaned teeth will be done on the same day or during the next visits
  • The inner and our part of the root canal is filled with the best quality filters
  • Restoration of the teeth to prevent them from breaking, protect and restore to their full function. 

Our Root Canals Treatment Saves your Natural Teeth

Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad can save your natural tooth, that is infected. The treatment normally comprises numerous sessions or a single visit, depending on the condition of your tooth. Your Dentist uses the conventional method to get the process done.   

You may experience little or no pain while filling and sealing with the crown. Earlier, there was a myth that root canal treatment is more painful than dental care methods. But, with the latest equipment and advanced root canal treatment procedures, now you feel no or less pain.    

Advanced Technology & Best Equipment at Nagubandi Dental, the Best Dental Hospital in Hyderabad for Root Canal Treatment 

Nagubandi Dental uses modern advanced dental care technology to provide the best root canal treatment in Hyderabad, like Rotary Endomotor (Swiss) and Apex Locator. The Root Canal treatment at Nagubandi Dental Dental Hospital in Hyderabad is a relatively simple procedure done with the above equipment with little or no discomfort to the patients. In addition, it is now possible to have one sitting Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad in most cases.  

In years past, root canal treatments would take multiple sessions or dental doctor visits. Now, with the advanced technology and the latest equipment, this root canal treatment procedure can be completed in a single visit in less than an hour. Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad is now available to treat your infected root canal. Just it takes less than 1 hour.   

What happens during the Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment (RCT) procedure? 

  1. The area around the target tooth is numbed, isolated and sterilised from bacteria
  2. The infected tissues are replarubber-fillingber filling material 
  3. The tooth is then built back up and prepared for a crown

At Nagubndi Dental , Best Dental Hospital Hyderabad, the RCT procedure in Single Sitting Root Canal Treatment will be done by using the latest technologies like digital radiographs, apex locator, rotary endodontics, obtura system, and CAD/CAM-based dental crowns.

With our full-time, in-house trained endodontist, root canal treatments are addrthe essed with bst results, in a single sit among the patients were the injury or the infection is not severe. An endodontist single-single sitting root canal option only after assessing your tooth, dental health, and overall health.  

Success Rate of Root Canal Treatment 

The moment you done with root canal treatment, the tooth shows sensitivity because of the inflammation of pulp tissues and surrounding nerves. This inflammation of the discomforts of mouth soreness will be pain-controlling OTC medications. With this basic dental care, most of the dental patients will return to normal activities the fo day itself. 

After completion of the root canal treatment procedure, the dentist will suggest some instructions that are to be followed for the repaired tooth. These oral care suggestions include the use of sensitive toothpaste chewing of hard food substances riding the, swe.,eteners etc followed by some preventive healthcare tips thaavoidioiding the recontamination.  

Enquire About Root Canal Treatment Now!

Finding the best dentist in Hyderabad to get rid of dental problems is a typical job for dental patients. At Nagubndi Dental, Dental Hospital Hyderabad have the 24*7 availability of dental doctors and dental surgeons who can help you restore your dental health. Dental specialists at Nagubandi Dental Hospitals have more than 10 years of experience treating the disorders of the specialise specialise in performing root canals.     

Root Canal Treatment cost in Hyderabad

Most of the dental hospitals in Hyderabad are charging huge money for root canal treatment from theHowever,patients. But the root canal treatment cost in Hyderabad, at Nagubai Dental clinic, is highly affordable compared to other dental hospitals in Hyderabad and Khammam areas. The root canal treatment cost in Hyderabad at Nagubandi Dental from l , ranges around 1500 INR only.      

Nagubndi Dental , helps you get rid of the excruciating pain you are experiencing from the infected or inflamed pulp. We provide an efficient and cost-effective Root Canal Treatment to cure your infected pulp. Visit our Dental Clinic to have a root canal and get rid of that toothache.      

The dental doctors in Hyderabad at Nagubandi Dental Hospitals clinics, with the advanced dental lab and equipment, specialised techniques and world-class dental technologies and dental treatment procedures mean you get the highest quality dental care with the best results for your dental problems.  

At Nagubndi Dental , the root canal treatment maintains your natural smile, regular eating and saves you with less discomfort during recovery of dental problems with the support of the latest dental care techniques, advanced technology, and dentist consultation. 

Call now  +91 7842695594, 040-40213678 7842645533 and Get an estimate on your dental treatment in Hyderabad at Nagubndi Dental . 

Get Root Canal Treatment to improve your smile, laugh out loud again and restore your dental function.    

Milestones of RCT in Nagubandi Dental Hospitals in Hyderabad

+ 15 Years of Excellence

2 Centres

10,000 RCTs

4 Doctors

Why is Nagubandi Dental Hospitals the Best for RCT in Hyderabad?

At Nagubandi Dental , Best Dental Hospital Hyderabad, We pride ourselves to provide the best patient care and a wide range of services in general and specialised dentistry. Our 20 years of experience, expertise, and 1 million satisfied patients reaffirms our commitment to dental excellence. Our in-house dental laboratory, latest equipment, advanced dental care procedures, environmental friendly ambience and affordability, further contribute to our patient safety and comfort.   

At Nagubandi Dental , Dental Hospital in Hyderabad , you will get 

  • Experienced dental consultation 
  • Advanced dental lab facility
  • Laser dental care
  • Affordable dentist treatment
  • Patient comfort
  • Well-developed infrastructure

Facilities that Nagubandi Dental , Dental Hospital Hyderabad :

We as the Best Dental Hospitals in Hyderabad make ourselves unique with our expertise dental consultation, dental lab facilities and advanced dental treatment from the other hospitals to make sure the patients get benefitted in all the ways.     

  • ICU
  • Advanced Lasers
  • CBCT
  • Chair Side Cad Cam Dentistry
  • High-Grade Implants
  • Microscopic Endodontic

What Patients Speak?

Book Appointment to get your smile back. Visit to see how we can help to make your smile and confidence your signature! Read our patients’ testimonials here now.

Root Canal Treatment in Hyderabad – FAQS

When to see your dentist?

See your dentist, if

  • You are concerned about your family’s oral health
  • You are concerned about your smile 
  • Your teeth are stained
  • You are in pain because of gum disease 
  • You want correction of crooked or proclaimed teeth
  • You need the dental crown and dental bridge procedures 

When do I need Root Canal Treatment? 

Sometimes no symptoms are present, but the following are the signs that you may need a root canal treatment:  

  1. Severe toothache pain upon chewing 
  2. Pain during application of pressure
  3. Prolonged sensitivity
  4. Pain to heat or cold temperatures 
  5. Discolouration of the tooth
  6. Swelling and tenderness in the nearby gums
  7. A recurring pimple on the gums

Is Root Canal Treatment successful? 

Root canal treatment is highly successful with more than 95% success rate. Teeth fixed with a root canal last for a lifetime.   

What does an Endodontist do?

An endodontist will 

  1. Diagnose & treat diseases of the pulp and dental tissues in your mouth 
  2. Develop a treatment plan to address 
  3. Repair the diagnosed issues 
  4. Treat exposed pulp by capping or removing it  
  5. Fill the empty pulp chamber with endodontic materials 
  6. Replace the removed pulp 
  7. Reinsert and restore any teeth knocked out during an accident or collision if needed 
  8. Bleach discoloured teeth 
  9. Maintain an even appearance of colour in your mouth  

Why did my teeth change colour? 

Over time, your teeth can go from white to not-so-bright because of several reasons including: 

  • Food and Drink
  • Tobacco Use
  • Age
  • Trauma
  • Medications

What are my teeth whitening options?

  • Stain Removal Toothpaste
  • In-Office Bleaching
  • At-Home Bleaching from Your Dentist
  • Over-the-Counter Bleaching Products

How painful is a root canal?

Root canal treatment is not much painful procedure and most patients reported that procedure itself is a bit more painful than having a filling placed. 

How to contact Nagubandi Dental Hospitals for my root canal treatment in Hyderabad and Khammam?

For your root canal treatment in Hyderabad and Secunderabad, Reach now!

Give us a Call+91 7842695594,040-40213678


Send us a Message+91 7842695594,7842645533

Visit now – Nagubandi Dental Hospitals Dental Clinic Hyderabad,

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